What are meteors?

Meteors, also commonly known as “shooting stars,” are streaks of light or visible trails of ionized gas produced when a meteoroid, a small fragment of a comet or asteroid, enters Earth’s atmosphere and burns up due to the friction and heat generated during its high-speed entry.

Meteors can vary in size, from tiny grains of sand to larger rocks. When they burn up, they create a brief but brilliant streak of light in the night sky, and this phenomenon is what we perceive as a meteor or shooting star. If a meteoroid survives its journey through the atmosphere and reaches the Earth’s surface, it is referred to as a meteorite.

Meteors Facts

  1. Origins: Meteors are small fragments of comets or asteroids, called meteoroids, that enter Earth’s atmosphere.
  2. Streak of Light: When a meteoroid enters the atmosphere, it burns up due to friction, creating a streak of light known as a meteor or “shooting star.”
  3. Sizes Vary: Meteoroids can range in size from tiny grains of sand to larger rocks.
  4. Meteor Showers: Meteor showers occur when Earth passes through the debris left behind by a comet, resulting in an increased number of meteors visible in the night sky.
  5. Meteorites: If a meteoroid survives its journey through the atmosphere and reaches Earth’s surface, it is called a meteorite.
  6. Perseids and Geminids: Perseid and Geminid meteor showers are two well-known annual meteor showers.

For more detailed information on meteors, you can visit this link.


Fireballs are exceptionally bright meteors, often with a magnitude of -3 or brighter, that create a dazzling and visible explosion of light as they enter Earth’s atmosphere. They are caused by larger meteoroids or space debris entering our atmosphere at high speeds. Fireballs are a captivating astronomical phenomenon, and they can be more prominent than the typical meteors or “shooting stars.”

Characteristics of Fireballs:

BrightnessTypically much brighter than regular meteors.
DurationLonger-lasting, with visible trails and colors.
CompositionComposed of various materials, often metal-rich.
FrequencyRelatively rare, with only a few each night.
Impact PotentialSome larger fireballs can produce meteorites.

Fireballs are of particular interest to astronomers and researchers studying the origins of meteoroids and their potential impact on Earth. While they are rare, they offer a spectacular and educational view of celestial events.

What Is a Meteorite?

A meteorite is a fragment of a meteoroid that survives its journey through Earth’s atmosphere and lands on the planet’s surface. Meteoroids are small pieces of comets, asteroids, or other space debris. When a meteoroid enters the Earth’s atmosphere and withstands the intense heat and pressure of re-entry, it is referred to as a meteor. If it reaches the Earth’s surface without completely burning up, it becomes a meteorite. Meteorites provide valuable insights into the composition and history of celestial bodies, and they come in various types, such as stony, iron, and stony-iron meteorites.

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